1. Ben-Ami N, Chodick G, Mirovsky Y, Pincus T, Shapiro Y. Increasing Recreational Physical Activity in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pragmatic Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2017;47:57-66.
2. Eynon M, Foad J, Downey J, Bowmer Y, Mills H. Assessing the psychosocial factors associated with adherence to exercise referral schemes: a systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2019.
3. Gruber-Baldini AL, Velozo C, Romero S, Shulman LM. Validation of the PROMIS® measures of self-efficacy for managing chronic conditions. Quality of Life Research. 2017;26:1915-1924.
4. Houck J, Kang D, Cuddeford T, Rahkola S. Ability of Patient Reported Outcomes to Characterize Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) After Attending a Primary Care Physical Therapist/Medical Doctor Collaborative Service: Cross Sectional Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2018.
5. Jacobson R, Philbrook L-z, Kang D, Cuddeford T, Houck J. Does Multidimensional Health Assessment Using PROMIS Scales Enhance Clinical Decision-making for Patients with Orthopedic Problems ? A Case Series. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice. 2018.
6. Peter B. O’Sullivan JPC, Mary O’Keeffe, Anne Smith, Wim Dankaerts, Kjartan Fersum, Kieran O’Sullivan, Biomedical. Cognitive Functional Therapy: An Integrated Behavioral Approach forthe Targeted Management of Disabling Low Back Pain. Phys Ther. 2018;98:408-423.
Recent Studies in review, accepted or newly published associated with PROMIS:
1. Ryan P. Jacobson, DPT, PCS, Daniel Kang, DPT, Jeff Houck, PhD, PT. Do patients judge success of treatment and patient acceptable symptom state based on current symptoms? Physical Therapy Theory and Practice. October, 2019.
2. Olivia Waldman, BS, Stephanie Hao, BS, BA, Jeff R. Houck, PT, PhD, , Nicolette Lee, BS, Judith Baumhauer, MD, MPH, MS,Irvin Oh, MD. Operative Intervention Does Not Change Pain Perception in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients. Clinical Diabetes. Accepted Sept 2019 CD19-0031.
3. Jessica M. Kohring, MD, Jeff R. Houck, PhD, Irvin Oh, MD, Sam Flemister, MD, John P. Ketz, MD, Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH. Matching Patient Expectations After Ankle Fusion Based on Patient Reported Outcome Measures. Patient Reported Outcomes Submitted FAI, June 2019
4. Houck, Jeff, Kang, Dan, Cuddeford, Tyler, Rahkola, Sarah. The ability of the Self-Efficacy of Symptom Management Scale to Improve Prediction of Patient Acceptable Symptom State After Attending a Primary Care Physical Therapist/Medical Doctor Collaborative Service. Submitted Musculoskeletal Research & Practice March 2019
5. Ashlee MacDonald, MD; Jeff Houck, PT, PhD; Judith F Baumhauer, MD. Can We Predict who Will and Will Not Benefit From Bunion Surgery based on Patient Reported Outcome Measures?. Foot & Ankle International. Accepted FAI September 2019.
6. Bernstein, David N., MBA, MA; Houck, Jeff R., PT, PhD; Mahmood, Bilal, MD; Hammert, Warren C., MD. Responsiveness of the PROMIS and its Concurrent Validity with Other Region- and Condition-Specific PROMs in Patients Undergoing Carpal Tunnel Release. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®: April 27, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - p doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000773
7. David N. Bernstein, MBA, MA, Kiah Mayo, MPH, Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH, Chris Dasilva, BS, Kathleen Fear, PhD, Jeff R. Houck, PT, PhD. Do Patient Sociodemographic Factors Impact the PROMIS Scores Meeting the Patient-Acceptable Symptom State at the Initial Point of Care in Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Patients? Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research June 21, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - p doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000866